What do you teach?
7th and 8th science.
Why science?
Because of my middle school science teacher. He made science really interesting and
enjoyable. As a result, I took way more science courses than necessary in high school. I especially liked environmental science.
Why teacher?
I would say I didn’t chose it, it was a calling, because I was told by my parents (my dad
and grandma were teachers) that I should be a teacher. Also, my friend said she would
pay for some of my tuition if I went to the university she was at (Shepard). I found
teaching to be the most interesting course available there, so I chose that to study. In
addition, when interning for 3rd grade class at 24 years old, I went on many field trips
with the class, which I found really enjoyable. After that, I thought, “I think I'll really like

University of Maryland College park (2008-2012), then I worked in lab, then Shepherd University for my Master’s degree (2014-2015)
What did you study?
At UMD: Cell Biology and Genetics (didn’t finish), American Studies, then a Minor in Latino Studies
At Shepard: Masters in Arts and Teaching
Is cereal a soup?
No. It just isn’t. Soups aren’t usually that sweet, but cereals are usually ridiculously
First impression of JW?
I thought it was really a big, really good school. Like, my middle school was definitely not
this big, the staff here were really friendly and supportive, and really willing to help and
well-functioning. I previously worked at a school that wasn’t as supportive, where I felt
that I wasn’t as supported to do well.
Any wisdom to share?
Yes. I think the theme for this year should be perseverance. I just feel like a lot of things
are happening right now, but if you persevere and work hard, you can get where you
want to go. Life is long, and you want to make sure you’re happy.
Favorite book?
As a kid, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
As an adult, The Silent Patient
Is cereal a soup?
No. It just isn’t. Soups aren’t usually that sweet, but cereals are usually ridiculously