There are roaring fires spreading across Los Angeles County, California. These have destroyed nearly 12,000 homes, businesses, and other structures.

There are 153 different wildfires in California at this very moment, most prominently, The Palisades Fire west of Hollywood, and the Hurst Fire, ranging over 799 acres. Fire Department agencies across California have been battling these blazing fires for days on.

Many people have had to evacuate their homes, including beloved YouTuber Markiplier, saying “I could see it.” Millions of people have had to evacuate, not only from the distance to the wildfires, but embers blowing to their homes and causing separate fires.

After all the destruction, people are lucky they have house insurance, right? Well, a major insurance company that many people use, State Farm, wasn’t covering damage to your property caused by a fire in the State of California. So now, people whose houses are covered by State Farm (like a good neighbor) are not in luck.

Los Angeles, the place where much of your favorite entertainment is produced, the home of the Santa Monica Pier, the place where all your favorite places are, is on fire. And it’s only getting worse from here.
Last year, the people of California rejected Proposition 6, which would have banned involuntary labor in prisons. That includes prisoners being forced to fight wildfires if the state needed extra firefighters. As a result, almost 800 prisoners were deployed to fight the fires recently.